Sunday, February 6, 2011

On Matthew 1

Today, we finally broke into the first gospel of Matthew.  The first half of chapter one details the genealogy of Christ.  Interestingly, Matthew mentions four women in this list, an uncommon practice in those times to be sure.  In addition, not all of these women were what we would consider godly women.  Another interesting fact about this group of people is that not all were Jews.  The list includes Jews and Gentiles, as well as the saintly and not so saintly.  I think the overwhelming message God wants us to hear is that the gospel, His gospel, is for everyone.

The discussion of Christ’s genealogy also brought to mind the notion of generational sin.  The Bible is chock full of examples of generational sin, and there’s little doubt we often suffer from the same affliction.  When we are dealing with instances of generational sin, how we address it can make all the difference in the world.  We can choose, as Shawn said, to draw a line in the sand.  We can decide that our generation will break the chain and end the cycle of destruction that robs us of joy and intimacy with God.  However, the devil would have you choose an easier way.

Another way to cope with generational sin is to punt.  In deciding not to end the cycle of destruction, we simply pass it down to our children.  While this choice may seem easier at first, the result will always be the same: pain, sorrow, and a broken life.  The devil would certainly prefer we take this path.

Know that whatever season you’re going through, God has a purpose in mind.  And remember, that when we’re broken, God is all we have, and He is more than enough. 

Homework for next week.  In preparation for next week’s lesson, Shawn has asked that we read Isaiah 58 with our spouse.  Additionally, please finish reading Matthew 1.


  1. Isaiah 58 reminded me: "Lord, I am always in desperate need of You. It is only my awareness of it that varies."

  2. Several of the HB guys went to The Gathering Men's Breakfast today. The speaker, Joe White, quoted the lineage of Christ by person from Adam to Joseph.
